2-month-old baby, whose parents didn't vaccinate, suffered a brain hemorrhage

A 2-month-old baby in Ankara was intubated in the intensive care unit due to a brain hemorrhage. It was discovered that the baby had not received the necessary Vitamin K, which prevents bleeding in newborns.
The baby was transferred to the Etlik City Hospital in Ankara, where it was determined that the hemorrhage was due to a Vitamin K deficiency. This was because the family had not allowed the administration of Vitamin K immediately after birth, which is required to prevent bleeding disorders in newborns. According to a report on NTV, the mother gave birth at home, and the family did not allow the baby to receive vaccinations, heel prick tests, or other necessary medical procedures. Shortly afterward, the baby started to experience health issues, and it is claimed that the family initially prevented the baby from receiving medication.
When the baby started having seizures and the condition worsened, the baby was transferred from Çankırı to Etlik City Hospital in Ankara. It was diagnosed that the baby had suffered a brain hemorrhage. The baby is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital.